An international group of scientists commissioned by the World Health Organization has conducted a study of the impact of radiation, which operates cell phones, on the human body and the risk of cancer! The results of the largest study in the history of the organization are published in the journal Environment International.
Agree, the question of the impact of radiofrequency fields on humans and the risk of cancer as a result of such an impact, worries all modern mankind. After all, a huge number of devices, devices that emit such waves are strongly integrated into our daily lives. For example, cell phones! Many believe that frequent use of cell phones cause irreparable harm to the human body. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) commissioned a large-scale study in which scientists from Australia, Germany, Italy, UAE, Sweden, Ghana, Switzerland, and New Zealand took part. As always, the staff of the Foundation “Inna” carefully studied the scientists’ conclusions.
Let us note the main thing – suspicions that cell phone radio waves can somehow cause cancer of any human organ, including children, have not been confirmed! Scientists have established that the level of radiation from cell phones is extremely low. Such radiation is not ionizing, and therefore, most likely, the risk of cancer from the influence of such waves is unlikely. In addition, scientists have noticed that the number of cell phones, other similar devices, as well as the intensity of their use in recent decades in some regions of the earth has increased by dozens or even hundreds of times! However, the number of detected cases of cancer for the same period has not increased in direct proportion to the devices used. Specialists assure that the risk of brain cancer, leukemia, neck cancer, pituitary, salivary glands and other organs is not affected by the use of cell phones in the home!
Nevertheless, we do not advise you to abuse the use of smartphones and other similar technology! Scientists have found that frequent use of cell phones is directly related to the reduction of gray matter in the human brain! But that’s another story.
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