Inna Foundation

Art therapy: amulets for family and home

News - Art therapy: amulets for family and home | Inna Foundation

Amulets are centuries-old cult objects of people’s home interior. The main amulets are considered horseshoes (the presence of such a talisman promises the house a full cup of prosperity) and dolls-motanka (these amulets protect people’s homes from evil spirits).

Of course, such superstitions remained in the distant past. But the art of making amulets remained!

At the next class, which was held in the office of the Foundation, within the framework of the Rehabilitation Programme, the wards of the organisation made amulets. Coloured threads, costume jewellery, glue and the right attitude to work – that’s all you need for such an art-therapeutic class. Work with coloured threads itself has a calming effect on a person. And a good final result lifts the mood and relieves depression.

The Inna Foundation continues to work!