Inna Foundation

Art therapy: do-it-yourself lanterns

News - Art therapy: do-it-yourself lanterns | Inna Foundation

One of the main tasks of art therapy is to ensure that a patient with a serious illness can distract himself from his external and internal problems, learn to enjoy his work, which in turn gives him a huge charge of positive and good spirits! And it is important! After all, healthy people’s wounds, as you know, heal faster! Scottish philosopher and writer Samuel Smiles stated: “Cheerfulness is not only a sign of health, but also the most effective remedy for getting rid of diseases.” Scheduled art therapy classes with the wards of the Foundation are held precisely to raise the spirits and increase the self-esteem of those involved.

At the next session of art therapy, the wards of the Foundation made candle lamps. This is a very fun and rewarding activity! Everything connected with fire attracts people. Daniel Fasler, a well-known American specialist in the field of evolutionary psychology, believes that this is a kind of psychological attitude that has been developed during the evolution of human society. In very ancient times, the ability to handle fire was necessary for the survival of the human tribe in adverse conditions. However, with the development of civilization, such a need became unnecessary, but the sacrament of conquering fire was preserved at the gene level.

Work on the creation of lamps, even from unpretentious materials, requires attention, imagination and composure. As well as sleight of hand and confidence in their actions. And all this was demonstrated at the lesson by the wards of the Foundation! And, as a result, the lit magic lanterns that cause delight and the joyful smiles of the authors of the works became the result of the lesson.

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