Paintings on water… Sounds improbable. However, this method of painting has been around for centuries! It’s called the ebru method. Specialists disagree about the birthplace of the ebru technique. Some believe that this technique originated in the Middle East. However, and in ancient Japan, China masters of ebru created their paintings with great skill!
The highlight of this method of painting is that at first the image is created with colours on the surface of water, and then transferred to a solid base – for example, paper or fabric. The peculiarity of this method is that each picture is unique! It is impossible to repeat it!
In the office of the Foundation “Inna” at the scheduled art therapy session the Foundation’s wards under the guidance of Lyudmila Magura mastered the technique of ebru.
First, the Foundation’s masters prepared a dense liquid surface in a container with water. For this purpose they used starch, having boiled it in warm water. Then in the resulting liquid consistency they added different colours and with the help of a brush and sticks they made fanciful patterns, and on top of the drawing they put and slightly pressed a sheet of paper, which literally absorbs the liquid picture. The paper was then dried – and the original painting is ready!
Look at these paintings! This is a real miracle! The miracle of ebru art!
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