Inna Foundation

Art therapy: making lapti is fascinating!

News - Art therapy: making lapti is fascinating! | Inna Foundation

Since time immemorial and literally until the beginning of the last century, people have made lapti. They were woven from the bark of different trees: elm, oak, birch. But the strongest were considered to be lapti woven from linden bald. Of course, the main purpose was to protect the feet when walking, that is, they were used as shoes. But there was also an important purpose for them – they were used as amulets for the house! Lapti were placed near the door. It was believed that such a house could not be harmed by uninvited guests.

At the next art therapy class, which was held under the guidance of Lyudmila Magura in the office of the Foundation, the wards of the charity organization made lapti – amulets. Of course, it was decided not to use real bark, so as not to destroy trees. But for this purpose the twine tourniquet was well suited. In addition, we used burlap, cardboard, various decorations (flowers, jewelry), glue. The base was cut out of cardboard, which was then glued with burlap (harness), decorated with costume jewelry.

Making lapti, even if small, is a fun and exciting activity! It has a good effect on fine motor skills and calms you down. Look what wonderful lapotochki turned out as a result of the class! They can be hung in the house – such “handmade” will definitely please everyone’s eyes! And maybe even protect from bad luck and sadness.

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