Inna Foundation

Art therapy: original trees for the New Year

News - Art therapy: original trees for the New Year | Inna Foundation

Only a few days left until the New Year arrives! And what is the main attribute of the New Year’s holiday? Any child will answer this question. Of course, the New Year tree!

As you know, the fir tree and other coniferous evergreen trees, from ancient times mankind perceived as a symbol of eternal life. And the custom of decorating New Year trees when welcoming the new year is many hundreds of years old. The decoration of fir trees with apples, glitter, paper flowers and toys was documented in some European countries in the XV century. And already in the XVII century in Hanover the first candles were lit on the fir tree!

That is why the next session of art therapy was devoted to making an original New Year tree. The basic material was ordinary twine rope. Glue, ornaments for haberdashery products, as well as the imagination of masters, calibrated actions of hands – and the New Year trees are ready! Look at the photos – isn’t it original and beautiful?

The class was held in the office of the Foundation within the framework of the Rehabilitation project under the guidance of the head of the Foundation Ludmila Magura!

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