Inna Foundation

Art therapy: pysanky for the holiday

News - Art therapy: pysanky for the holiday | Inna Foundation

The art of colouring eggs goes back so far that no one can say exactly when, where and under what circumstances this tradition originated. It is well known that bird eggs and eggs made of different materials were decorated and used for some purposes in the oldest known civilisations, for example, in Sumerian! But at the time of the birth of Christianity, dyed eggs acquired a special status. It is a symbol of life and rebirth! And the red colour in which they were dyed symbolises the blood shed by Jesus Christ during his crucifixion.

On the eve of Easter in the office of the Foundation, the wards of the organisation worked on decorating Easter eggs during a planned art therapy session. For this purpose ordinary table coloured napkins were used. After that, the eggs were placed in baskets made earlier together with bunnies symbolic to the holiday. And the Easter set is ready!

The class was led by the president of the organisation Ludmila Magura!

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