Inna Foundation

Art therapy session: “Draw your fear”

News - Art therapy session: “Draw your fear” | Inna Foundation

As you know, the feeling of fear is a part of the psyche of any person. And if such a state begins to prevail in a person’s daily life, then expect trouble! Constant depression “breaks” the immune system and the normal life of a person, makes him susceptible to diseases. Doctors assure that if you do not fight fears, then irreversible changes occur in the brain that lead to serious mental illness and increase the likelihood of death!

Patients with oncological diagnoses are well aware of what a state of fear is! Everyone experiences a feeling of fear when they hear a terrible diagnosis. That is why, in modern medical institutions specializing in the treatment of cancer, such patients immediately fall into the hands of psycho-oncologists. Unfortunately, the mortality rate from such diseases in our country is high. It is better to fill it yourself by transforming fear into some new attitude – make it neutral, calm, cheerful, kind, etc. It is this image that will be fixed in the mind of the painter.

One of the effective ways to overcome fear is an art therapy method that can be called “Draw Your Fear”. The idea of ​​this method is that the participants in the session are asked to depict their fear on paper. And then transform it into something not scary at all, into something funny.

In the office of the Inna Foundation, under the guidance of Olena Sushinska, a lesson was held in which the participants tried to overcome their fears and worries with the help of paper and colored pencils.

You need to understand that it is not so easy to take and redraw fear. This is a rather difficult task. Indeed, by changing the drawing, a person struggles with the negative inner world, he does a lot of work on his idea of ​​the situation that frightens him and his attitude towards it. And in a good company it is easier to do it! Moreover, you can not only draw your fear, but also discuss your problems with friends!

The Inna Foundation continues its activities!