At a scheduled art therapy class held as part of the Rehabilitation program, the Foundation’s wards made handmade bracelets. Shambala bracelets.
Many people know that Shambhala is a mythical country in Asia, which is mentioned in some ancient texts of Hinduism and Buddhism. If you believe numerous legends, in Shambhala people could find real spiritual harmony. But not every person can get to this mythical country. Only the chosen people! Tibetan monks wear special bracelets – Shambhala bracelets. It is believed that a special combination of beads, stones, knots bracelet protects its owner from the forces of evil and helps to get to Shambhala.
Under the guidance of Ludmila Magura, the masters tried to achieve perfection in making the legendary bracelets! Ribbons, beads, needlework threads were used for this purpose. Over each bracelet had to think for a long time, because such amulets cannot be the same for all! Each bracelet is unique in its own way. But the masters coped with the task perfectly! And, perhaps, for each of the participants of the session the gates of Shambhala became closer. Who knows?