Inna Foundation

Help of a psychologist for cancer patients. Contacts of an experienced specialist

News - Help of a psychologist for cancer patients. Contacts of an experienced specialist | Inna Foundation

Despite the difficult time for the country, the Inna Foundation continues its activities to the extent possible! As we have repeatedly noted, prolonged stress negatively affects the human immune system. This is especially harmful for people who are under active treatment for a serious illness, such as cancer. Such people need the help of an experienced psychologist. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to get such help now.

A long-term partner of the Foundation, an experienced psychologist Marina Surkis, worked for a long time in the all-Ukrainian public organization “Association for Assistance to the Disabled and Patients with Chronic Lymphoproliferative Diseases” at the National Cancer Institute, helping people fight severe cancer. She has repeatedly participated in the projects of our organization. Now Marina Surkis offers her help again! Of course, such assistance will be provided free of charge!

If it’s hard for you, if there are no close people nearby, but you need psychological support, you can contact an experienced psychologist Marina Surkis for help. Contact her in advance (write a message in the Viber messenger application “Viber“) by phone 096-729-32-51. In the message, indicate that you are asking for help on the recommendation of the Inna Charitable Foundation. Take care of yourself!