Inna Foundation

“I am I will.” The Foundation’s wards supported people fighting cancer

News - “I am I will.” The Foundation’s wards supported people fighting cancer | Inna Foundation

Today, February 4, in many countries of the world public actions are held to support people undergoing treatment for cancer. The actions are held under the slogan “I am I will” and are timed to coincide with the International Day Against Cancer.

Wards of the Charitable Foundation “Inna” decided to express their support and solidarity to all those who are struggling with severe cancer! For this purpose they made hearts with their own hands – a symbol of friendship, empathy and support! We know how hard it is for such patients and we are always ready to help them!

Charitable Foundation “Inna” calls on all public and state organizations to join our common fight against serious cancer diseases! Together we will win!

We continue our work!

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