Inna Foundation

Oshibana is the art of dry leaves

News - Oshibana is the art of dry leaves | Inna Foundation

Do you know what is oshibana? If you were not familiar with this word before and do not know its meaning, now it is the time to get acquainted with the art of oshibana. Especially since autumn is the best time for this kind of creativity! Oshibana is the art of creating paintings from dried natural materials. That is, instead of paints dried plants or their pieces are used.

It is known that this kind of art originated in ancient Japan. Dried plants (flowers, leaves, etc.) are glued to the base, and so the picture is created! Of course, such activities require patience, agility and concentration. But at the same time it needs fantasies! Such work calms a person, develops psychomotor skills. For people who have had previous chemotherapy sessions, this is an ideal activity!

An oshibana class was held in the Foundation’s office. The wards of the Foundation created their paintings with the help of autumn leaves. But before that, they had to work hard – to collect material for future masterpieces. And as always, the lesson gave a lot of positive emotions and ideas for the future, which were discussed by the participants of the art therapy session after the lesson with a cup of tea!