Inna Foundation

The Foundation paid for the diagnostics of the wards

News - The Foundation paid for the diagnostics of the wards | Inna Foundation

Oncologists say that a high-quality treatment process is impossible without timely monitoring of the course of treatment. Therefore, the Foundation pays special attention in its activities to diagnostics of its wards. In June of this year, another group of Brovary residents passed the necessary medical control. They are Egor Gorokhovsky (MRI cost UAH 2,430), Galina Vasilkova (UAH 2,430 MRI), Olga Kozlova (UAH 3 690 CT), Elena Korbut (UAH 3 690 CT), Zinaida Marunyak (UAH 3 690 CT), Raisa Severina ( CT scan 3 690 UAH), Serdyuchenko Olga (CT scan 3 690 UAH), Teplyuk Olga (MRI 7 524 UAH). In total, the Fund paid for diagnostic services in the amount of UAH 34,524. Of these, UAH 21,790 was paid at the expense of funds allocated to the Foundation under the “With care for everyone” program. And UAH 12,734 was paid at the expense of funds collected by the Foundation in the course of its charitable activities.