In the office of the Foundation, another session of therapy took place within the framework of the “Rehabilitation” project. It was conducted by the famous Ukrainian artist, art therapist Eleonora Linke. Eleanora has been working with the Foundation for many years. But this time Eleanora held practical classes with the wards of the Foundation “The Way to Harmony through the Balance of the Elements”. Participants of the art therapy session worked with metaphorical associative cards (MAC) of the author’s work. Metaphoric cards are a collection of small pictures about the size of a postcard. Anything can be depicted on it: animals, people, even fairy-tale characters – completely different in style and content.
Experts believe that many messages are encrypted in such images. Considering, describing the map, a person can understand even what he did not understand before. A person opens up possibilities of perception, which flow outside the limits of consciousness. But in any case, this is a great opportunity to calm down, concentrate and learn something new.
As always, the lesson ended with a tea party and a pleasant friendly conversation!
The Inna Charitable Foundation expresses its gratitude to Eleonora Linke for her creative work and support for the Foundation’s activities. We look forward to long-term cooperation!