Inna Foundation

Today is International Cancer Day

News - Today is International Cancer Day | Inna Foundation

Every year on February 4, the whole progressive world demonstrates its solidarity with people suffering from cancer! Today is the International Day Against Cancer!

The number of cancer cases on the planet is growing every year! And if now the number of new cases of cancer is more than 20 000 000 per year, then by 2050 experts predict more than 35 000 000 new cancer cases annually!

According to open data, today in different countries more than 53,000,000 people have cancer. About 12,000,000 people died from cancer in the year gone by! The most deadly types of cancer are lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer! Deaths from these cancers account for 50% of all cancer deaths.

Although cancer is considered an adult disease, more than 400,000 cases of pediatric cancer are diagnosed each year worldwide. The major childhood cancers are leukemias, malignant brain tumors, lymphomas, and solid tumors such as neuroblastoma and nephroblastoma. Alas, childhood cancers are generally not preventable or detectable through screening. Childhood cancer mortality in low- and middle-income countries is attributable to underdiagnosis, misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, failure to receive care, interruption of treatment, death due to intoxication and recurrence.

Nevertheless, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, timely medical examination, new achievements and discoveries in the world, which the Foundation’s staff constantly report on the website in the section Desire to live – there are proven factors inhibiting the incidence of cancer!

The staff and wards of the Charitable Foundation “Inna” express solidarity with the patients who are struggling with severe fatal cancer diseases and call on state and public organizations, if possible, to provide continuous support and assistance to people undergoing treatment for cancer! Only together we can stop the “plague” of the XXI century – cancer!

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