Inna Foundation

Today is World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day-2023

News - Today is World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day-2023 | Inna Foundation

For all mankind, February 4 is an important day! It is a day of struggle with the death danger for all people! Day of fight against cancer! World Cancer Day!

The conclusions of the World Health Organization experts are deplorable – in a few years every fifth inhabitant of the planet will be diagnosed with cancer! Every eighth man and every eleventh woman will die from this disease! So, according to scientists, by 2040 the number of annual new cases of cancer will increase by 47% and reach 28.4 million people a year! By 2022, approximately 20 million people had cancer.. Mortality from cancer is very high – according to official figures, about 12 million people die from cancer every year, or 32,000 people a day! It can be assumed that the real data is much higher than the official!

Governmental and public organizations in more than 170 countries of the world are holding various events on this day aimed at supporting people struggling with a terrible disease! In addition, this is a good reason to once again explain to people what cancer is and how it can and should be fought!

On the website of our Foundation in the section “Desire to live” we talk about the factors that cause cancer, ways to prevent such diseases.

This year the slogan of World Cancer Day is “Close the care gap”! It means eradicating inequalities for all people around the world:

  • in early diagnosis and screening;
  • quality, timely treatment;
  • access to drugs and new treatments for cancer.

“Cancer treatment is the same for everyone, without discrimination” – that’s what the slogan of World Cancer Day – 2023 means!

Of course, the Inna Foundation could not stay away from such an important event! For many years, on this day, the Foundation’s staff, together with partners, have been holding campaigns to support people with cancer diagnoses and educational events.

This time, those who gathered firsthand, but by their own example, gathered at the Foundation’s office what cancer is and how hard it is, but really, to fight it! Together we made a poster and recorded an appeal to everyone who is struggling with a serious illness!

Today, February 4, we express our solidarity with all progressive mankind, all those who oppose the most dangerous disease, the “plague of the XXI” century – cancer! Only together can we stop it and save humanity from suffering and possible extinction!

Charitable organization “Charitable Foundation “Inna”” continues its activities!