Inna Foundation

Andronik Lyudmyla Stepanivna

They need help - Andronik Lyudmyla Stepanivna | Inna Foundation
Date of Birth:
 Kalyta village, Brovary district
 sigmoid cancer

Lyudmyla Stepanivna was born in the village of Solhutove. Gaivoronsk district, Kirovohrad region. She lives in Kalyta village, Brovary district.

In May of this year, Lyudmila Stepanivna experienced intestinal problems. She turned to the Bakhmut Intensive Care Clinic (in Brovary). After an examination, doctors diagnosed her with sigmoid cancer. Lyudmila Stepanovna underwent surgery at Kyiv Clinical Hospital No. 1. And at the SitiDoctor Medical Center, further treatment was determined – tablet chemotherapy. Currently, specialists from the Bakhmut Clinic, where the resident of Brovary is registered, insist on conducting a computed tomography scan. Given the difficult financial situation, Lyudmyla Stepanivna turned to the Inna Charitable Foundation for help.

The Inna Charitable Foundation asks everyone to help the Foundation’s ward in her treatment. To do this, please transfer your donations to the Foundation’s details with the obligatory indication “charitable assistance for the treatment of Andronik Lyudmyla Stepanivna”.

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