Volodymyr Ivanovych comes from the village of V. Dymerka, Brovary district, Kyiv region. He lives in Brovary. He worked as a driver at various enterprises in the city. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017. Volodymyr Ivanovych underwent the necessary treatment – radiotherapy. Unfortunately, in 2022, another problem was added to the existing problem – doctors found a bladder papilloma in the Brovary resident. Volodymyr Ivanovych underwent the necessary surgery at the Brovary Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital. At the Kyiv Regional Oncology Centre, where he was sent for consultation, doctors diagnosed bladder cancer. To monitor his health, the doctors recommended that he undergo a CT scan. Given the difficult financial situation, Volodymyr Ivanovych turned to the Inna Foundation for help.
The Inna Charitable Foundation asks everyone to help the Foundation’s ward in his treatment. To do this, please transfer donations to the Foundation’s details with a mandatory indication of ‘charitable assistance for the treatment of Bondarenko Volodymyr Ivanovych’.