Tatiana Anatoliivna was born in the village of Grechkine, Shostka district, Sumy region. She has lived in Brovary since 1994. She is currently working as a nurse at Brovary Specialized School № 7.
A few years ago, Tatiana Anatoliyivna underwent surgery for breast fibroids. Unfortunately, in the spring of this year at the same place during the examination doctors found a new formation. This time the diagnosis is much more difficult – breast cancer.
Brovarchanka underwent surgery and necessary chemotherapy. Now it is necessary to undergo a qualitative examination to continue treatment. Due to her difficult financial situation, she turned to the Inna Foundation for help.
The Inna Charitable Foundation asks anyone willing to help the Foundation’s wards with treatment. To do this, list the donations to the details of our organization with the obligatory indication “charitable assistance for the treatment of Tatiana Anatoliivna Klymenko.“