Inna Foundation

Lyudmila Mykhaylivna Skuratovska

They need help - Lyudmila Mykhaylivna Skuratovska | Inna Foundation
Date of Birth:
 breast cancer
Help provided:
(UAH)3 600,00 грн.

Lyudmila Mykhaylivna was born in the village of V. Dymerka (Brovarsky district). Currently she lives in Brovary. She is a cook by profession. She worked in cafes and restaurants in Brovary.

Cancer occurred in 2018. She underwent treatment at the Kyiv Oncology Clinic. She underwent surgery, PCT courses, radiation therapy. Now it is necessary to undergo diagnostics. In view of the difficult financial situation, she turned to the “Inna” Foundation for help.

The “Inna” Charitable Foundation is asking everyone to help Brovarchanka in her treatment. To do this, transfer the donation to the details of the Foundation with the mandatory indication “charitable aid for the treatment of Lyudmila Mykhaylivna Skuratovska“.