Inna Foundation

Oleh Dmytrovych Paliychuk

They need help - Oleh Dmytrovych Paliychuk | Inna Foundation
Date of Birth:
 bowel cancer

Oleh Dmytrovych has been disabled since childhood due to cerebral palsy. He is always under the care of his mother. He was born in Shramkivka, Drabiv district, Cherkasy region. Since 1989, the family has lived in Brovary.

In the summer of 2023, Oleh Dmytrovych felt severe pain in the intestines. After an examination in a medical facility, doctors diagnosed bowel cancer. He underwent surgery. Then he took tablet chemotherapy. Now the man from Brovary needs to undergo a CT scan to monitor the course of treatment. Given the difficult financial situation, the family turned to the Inna Foundation for help.

The Inna Charitable Foundation asks everyone to help the Foundation’s ward in his treatment. To do this, please transfer donations to the Foundation’s details with the obligatory indication ‘charitable assistance for the treatment of Oleh Dmytrovych Paliychuk’.