Inna Foundation

Prasyuk Maria Mykhailivna

They need help - Prasyuk Maria Mykhailivna | Inna Foundation
Help provided:
4 710,00 (UAH) грн.

Maria Mykhailivna was born in the village of Khotyanivka, Vyshhorod district, Kyiv region. She has lived in Brovary since 1960. She studied in high school № 9, worked in the district consumer union as a commodity expert. Now she is retired. She fell ill with oncology in 2015. She underwent surgery, radiation therapy sessions. She is now under medical supervision and urgently needs visual diagnosis. Due to her difficult financial situation, she turned to the Inna Foundation for help.

The Inna Charitable Foundation asks anyone wishing to help the Foundation’s ward with treatment. To do this, list donations to the Foundation’s details with the obligatory indication “Charitable assistance for the treatment of Prasyuk Maria Mykhailivna“.