Inna Foundation

Reshetnyk Lydia Ivanivna

They need help - Reshetnyk Lydia Ivanivna | Inna Foundation
Date of Birth:
 skin melanoma, breast cancer
Help provided:
40 102,33 (UAH) грн.

Lydia Ivanivna comes from the village of Myrolyubne, Khmelnytsky region. She has lived in Brovary since 1974.

Lydia Ivanivna has been battling cancer for many years. In 2012, she was diagnosed with skin melanoma. And a few months later she went to the doctors, feeling chest pain. After the examination, doctors diagnosed another dangerous disease – breast cancer.

Brovarchanka bravely underwent the necessary treatment – surgery, radiation therapy. However, after a while she felt a headache. It is necessary to be diagnosed. Due to her difficult financial situation, she turned to the Inna Foundation for help.

The Inna Charitable Foundation asks anyone wishing to help the Foundation’s ward with treatment. To do this, transfer the donation to the details of the Foundation with the obligatory indication “Charitable assistance for the treatment of Reshetnyk Lydia Ivanivna”.