Inna Foundation

Tamara Hryhorivna Krotynova

They need help - Tamara Hryhorivna Krotynova | Inna Foundation
Date of Birth:
 cancer of the rectum

Tamara Hryhorivna comes from the village of Hnizdyshche, Horodnia district, Chernihiv region. Until recently, she lived in the village of New York (Novhorodske), Donetsk region. She is currently undergoing treatment for cancer of the rectum at the Bakhmut Intensive Care Clinic in Brovary. This diagnosis was made during a thorough examination of her body condition after Tamara Hryhorivna experienced the relevant symptoms. Doctors insist on a CT scan to determine the course of treatment. Given her difficult financial situation, Tamara Hryhorivna turned to the Inna Charitable Foundation for help in conducting such an examination.

The Inna Charitable Foundation asks everyone to help the Foundation’s ward in her treatment. To do this, please transfer donations to the Foundation’s details with the obligatory indication ‘charitable assistance for the treatment of Tamara Hryhorivna Krotynova’.