Inna Foundation

Valentyna Andriivna Telish

They need help - Valentyna Andriivna Telish | Inna Foundation
Date of Birth:
 rectal cancer
Help provided:
7 145,28 грн.

Valentyna Andriivna was born and has lived in Brovary all her life. She used to work at the Kyiv Radio Plant.

She fell ill with cancer in 2021, and was diagnosed with rectal cancer. She underwent the necessary surgical treatment.

Now experts recommend undergoing a CT scan to clarify the condition of the body. Due to her difficult financial situation, Valentina Andreyevna turned to the Inna Foundation for help.

The Inna Charitable Foundation asks those who wish to help the Foundation’s ward in her treatment. To do this, please transfer donations to the Foundation’s details with a mandatory indication “charitable assistance for the treatment of Telish Valentyna Andriivna“.