Halyna Yakivna comes from the village of Kuniche, Kryzhopil district, Vinnytsia region. She has lived in Brovary since 1979. For a long time she worked in Brovary in the organization “Kyivteplokommunenergo” as an accountant.
At the beginning of the year during a routine examination, doctors found a suspicious formation in the chest. After a thorough examination, doctors diagnosed breast cancer. The treatment takes place at the Kyiv City Clinical Oncology Center. She underwent surgery and the first course of chemotherapy. Now it is necessary to undergo high-quality MRI diagnosis. Due to her difficult financial situation, she turned to the Inna Foundation for help.
The Inna Charitable Foundation asks everyone to help the Foundation’s ward with treatment. To do this, transfer the donation to the details of the Foundation with the obligatory indication “charitable assistance for the treatment of Vasylkova Halyna Yakivna”.