A new record was set when the annual Teddy Bear Toss Night charity event was held in the American city of Hershey (Pennsylvania) during a hockey game last month this year!
According to a long-standing tradition, in the first days of January during an American Hockey League hockey game involving the local Hershey Bears team, after the first puck is scored, fans toss Teddy bears onto the ice arena. The toys are then collected and counted. Based on the results of the count, the hockey club sponsors donate a dollar amount equal to the number of toys on the ice to charity. And the teddy bears are given to children in hospitals or orphanages.
The teddy hurricane (you can’t say it any other way, watch the video) started after home team forward Mike Sgarbossa opened the scoring at 15 minutes of the first period. Immediately after that, the plush hurricane began and the rink was covered with plush toys within seconds!
During the action fans threw 102,343 teddy bears on the ice, which became a new record! For comparison – last year 75,000 bears were collected, as we reported earlier. By the way, the number of discarded toys was several times more than the number of spectators who came to the game! That is, the fans brought with them three to four bears each! And the match had to be suspended for 45 minutes while the technical services collected the toys from the ice.
A good and kind tradition!