Inna Foundation

Alcohol and cancer are cause and effect

Desire to live - Alcohol and cancer are cause and effect | Inna Foundation

Staff of the Inna Foundation continue to work to prevent the development of cancer. To do this, we study and publish the results of interesting, in our opinion, research that can protect people from the “plague” of the XXI century – cancer!

Scientists of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Lyon, France): Dr. Paolo Boffett, MD, and Mia Hashibe, Ph.D., have established a causal link between alcohol consumption and cancer. The results were published in The Lancet Oncology.

In an article called Alcohol and Cancer, researchers reported a link between alcohol consumption and the development of many types of oral cancer larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, pancreas and lungs. And in women, in addition, alcohol can greatly contribute to the development of breast cancer. Scientists suggest that the state of alcohol intoxication is modulated by polymorphisms of genes encoding ethanol metabolism enzymes (eg, alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and cytochrome P450 2E1), folic acid metabolism, and DNA repair.

The mechanisms that have a carcinogenic effect, not fully studied, but scientists suggest the following processes – genotoxic effect (harmful effects on cellular genetic material that affect its integrity and contribute to the development of tumors and cell mutations) acetaldehyde – the main metabolite of ethanol; increased estrogen concentration, which leads to breast carcinogenesis. Alcohol also acts as a solvent for tobacco carcinogens.It starts the production of reactive oxygen species and nitrogen, and under the influence of alcohol there are changes in folic acid metabolism (the process of DNA replication requires the participation of folic acid, and violation of this process increases the risk of cancer).

Scientists note that alcohol consumption is growing in many countries around the world. And this is an important reason for the increase in cancer cases worldwide. Therefore, it should be clearly understood – excessive alcohol consumption can lead to cancer!