Inna Foundation

Cancer is a problem for every family in the world

Desire to live - Cancer is a problem for every family in the world | Inna Foundation

What to do? Experts warn that sooner or later every 5th inhabitant of the planet will get cancer. On the official website of the UN, the representative of the World Health Organization, Andre Ilbavi, says that cancer is already a problem for every family around the world. And, if for adults, cancer is the second cause of death after cardiovascular diseases, then for children and adolescents, oncological diseases have ALREADY become the main cause of death in the world! Cancer is diagnosed in 400 thousand children every year.

The situation with cancer treatment in the world was aggravated against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, when health systems in many countries were working at full capacity and all resources were devoted to combating the coronavirus … According to the WHO, in 2020, 40 percent of countries in cancer treatment were under attack due to a pandemic.

However, it is possible to stop the growth of cancer incidence! Currently, it is possible to prevent up to 50% of cancers if you avoid risk factors for developing such diseases and introduce cancer prevention programs – early diagnosis and screening! The official website of WHO reports – early diagnosis (screening) plays a key role in cancer treatment! Due to the lack of quality diagnosis and treatment early in the course of the disease, cancer mortality rates are significantly higher in low- and middle-income countries than in developed countries. Oncologists say some of the more common cancers, such as breast, cervical, oral and colorectal cancers, have high cure rates when detected early and treated accordingly.
Thus, we can conclude that the development of diagnostics is simply vital for humanity! Without the development and implementation of such programs, the fight against the growth of cancer is doomed to complete failure. And this is true in relation to most countries of the world, including Ukraine!