Inna Foundation

Frequent consumption of sweet soda threatens with death. From cancer

Desire to live - Frequent consumption of sweet soda threatens with death. From cancer | Inna Foundation

Sweet carbonated drinks in huge quantities are always presented in any supermarket. Even in small shops you can always buy fizzy drinks, loved by children and adults. However, few people know that the daily use of such drinks is extremely life-threatening! On the website of the Inna Foundation, in the section “Desire to live”, there is a lot of useful information for cancer prevention. And now we have carefully read the results of an important study by American scientists.

Specialists of the Department of Population, the American Cancer Society (Atlanta, Georgia, USA), published the results of a study in the American Assosiation for cancer research magazine, which absolutely categorically indicate that daily consumption of sweet soda threatens death from cancer. Moreover, scientists even report a dangerous dose of such drinks!

The study began a long time ago – 40 years ago! In 1982, 934,777 healthy participants provided information on their usual consumption of sugary sodas! For many years, until 2016, the study participants were monitored. Then, using multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression models, the association of sugary soda consumption with cancer mortality was studied. Scientists found that during the observation period 135,093 people died of cancer. Most importantly, they came to the conclusion that the key factor in the occurrence of cancer is the impact of sugar on human health!

Researchers have found that daily consumption of sugary soda significantly increases the risk of developing cancer. However, this does not apply to all types of cancer, but to those associated with obesity.

AACR experts even specify the dose at which the risk of cancer increases by 5% – this is two servings of soda per day (one serving is 12 ounces or 355 ml). In addition, with such consumption of sugary drinks, the risk of colorectal cancer and kidney cancer increases.

These results should form the basis of government policy on carbonated sugary drinks to reduce men’s and women’s risk of cancer in the United States,” lead author Dr. Marjorie McCullough said of the study. And we advise our readers to simply reduce the consumption of such products. Not everything sweet is healthy! Now it’s proven!