Inna Foundation

Kefir: a miracle drink against cancer

Desire to live - Kefir: a miracle drink against cancer | Inna Foundation

Staff of the Inna Foundation continue to inform their readers about ways to prevent cancer. Healthy, proper nutrition is one of the main requirements put forward by experts to prevent cancer. In the “Nutrition issues” section of our “Desire to Live” section of our website, we talk about foods that, according to experts, can fight cancer.

Each of us is familiar with such a simple, at first glance, product as kefir. But do we know everything about it?

Many will be surprised to learn that the Caucasus, or rather the slopes of Elbrus, is considered to be the birthplace of kefir. It was there that many hundreds of years ago, probably under certain circumstances, namely, at the temperature necessary for the sourdough process, various microorganisms got into a container with milk. As a result, a product called “kefir” was obtained. It is not known exactly, but most likely the name of the product comes from the word kipuri “curdled milk cooked in fur” (Mingrelian language).

This drink is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals! It contains a lot of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12), vitamins C, A, D, PP. Kefir contains choline, beta-carotene. And besides, chromium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, potassium and many other minerals! Kefir for its useful and healing properties, and the drink has long been considered a product of rejuvenation, has always been revered by all the nations that make the drink. But kefir has another advantage over other drinks we use.

Kefir is a powerful probiotic with anti-cancer properties. This is the name of a scientific article published in the journal Medical oncology by a group of scientists from the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (Iran).

In their report, the scientists report that the majority of cancer cases are due to an unhealthy and unbalanced diet. Therefore, the study of dietary factors is vital and extremely important. Deadly for humans, malignant tumor cells are known to have high proliferative activity and strong resistance to apoptosis. That is, they are able to evade the immune response of the body. However, studies show that probiotic bacteria are able to stimulate the effector functions (the ability to detect, recognize and destroy cancer cells and other pathogens) of the immune system. Several studies at once proved that the substances present in kefir can interact with cellular pathways and regulate biological processes, including the antioxidant process, apoptosis and proliferation (tissue growth).

Scientists believe that kefiran, which is part of the wonderful drink, plays a big role in cancer prevention. Kefiran is a polysaccharide of kefir fungi, which has a great antitumor effect and the ability to increase immunity. In addition, kefiran has antimicrobial and wound-healing effects.

Scientists in their report say that kefir successfully resists cancer cells of certain types of cancer – colorectal, lymphoma, breast and lung cancer.

Therefore, by drinking kefir, people not only enjoy the taste of the drink, but also reduce the risk of serious cancer! Drink kefir, enjoy and protect yourself!

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