Inna Foundation

Oatmeal is the best cancer prevention

Desire to live - Oatmeal is the best cancer prevention | Inna Foundation

Nutritionists recommend including oatmeal in the daily diet. As you know, there is practically no fat and sugar in it. But oatmeal is rich in magnesium, iron, copper, vitamins of group B. And it is also good to use this porridge for the prevention of cancer.

Medical portal Orthodox Portal reports on a study by scientists from Harvard University (USA). Experts analyzed 12 of the most extensive studies. After analyzing information about 800 thousand people, experts stated that people who include oatmeal in their daily diet in the amount of 70 grams, reduced the risk of developing any ailments by 22 percent, and from death from cancer by 20 percent.

Perhaps it’s the beta-glucan found in oatmeal. This substance (oat bran) is one of the few natural substances that can prevent cancer.

Scientists at the University of Heidelber (Germany) came to the same opinion. The results of the study have been published on the well-known medical portal JAMA Network. Experts are confident that the polyphenols in oats have an anti-tumor effect and reliably protect the human body from cancer.

Therefore, scientists advise people to start their morning with a plate of oatmeal. It’s delicious and healthy for your health!