Inna Foundation

Oysters and tomatoes reduce cancer risk

Desire to live - Oysters and tomatoes reduce cancer risk | Inna Foundation

The Foundation’s staff continue their preventive work aimed at combating oncological diseases. To do this, we publish and analyze useful discoveries and research results of oncologists and other specialists.

According to Daily Expess, oysters and oyster products can reduce the risk of cancer by ten times!!! The thing is that shellfish contain many important proteins, amino acids and antioxidants that protect human DNA from mutations and damage. Such important recommendations are given by the British doctor William Lee. The specialist explained that such substances block the nutrition of cancer cells and, accordingly, cause their death.

Also an important “anti-cancer” food, according to Dr. Li, are tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene. This substance blocks the access of blood to cancer cells. In addition, lycopene protects human DNA from damage, and this helps protect against many types of cancer. The doctor says that, for example, men who eat tomatoes twice a week have a 30% lower risk of developing a prostate tumor.

And if there may be problems with buying and eating oysters in Ukraine, then there are no such problems with tomatoes!