Inna Foundation

Palm oil promotes cancer

Desire to live - Palm oil promotes cancer | Inna Foundation

Oncologists consider improper and harmful nutrition to be an important factor provoking cancer! Staff of the Inna Foundation on their website on the pages of the popular section “Nutrition” constantly warn about the possible consequences of neglecting the rules of healthy eating. After all, in the pursuit of superprofits, many food companies are replacing useful products for the body with cheaper and more harmful counterparts.

For many years, nutritionists have been arguing about the benefits of palm oil. It is known that this vegetable oil is extracted from the fruits of the oil palm. Many experts believe that eating such oil leads to obesity and the development of a number of chronic diseases. And most recently, the pages of the scientific publication Nature published the results of a study by a group of scientists from the Institute of Biomedical Research (IRB Barcelona) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (Spain).

According to the publication, one of the fatty acids in palm oil, at high concentrations, can promote the spread of cancer cells. We are talking about palmitic acid.

The researchers performed experiments on mice and found that dietary palmitic acid (PA) promotes the metastasis of cancer cells in some cancers (eg, oral carcinoma, melanoma). Moreover, cancer cells that were fed with this acid even for a short time remained highly metastatic after cessation of exposure to the acid. Scientists have found that this is due to the fact that palmitic acid alters the function of genes and allows cancer cells to form a neural network around the tumor to spread it. Interestingly, other fatty acids, including omega-6 and omega-9, have not shown such a dangerous effect.

Thus, the researchers believe that they have been able to prove that the dietary metabolite in the form of palmitic acid causes stable changes that lead to long-term stimulation of metastasis. Researchers think that by understanding cellular communication, it will be possible to find a way to block it.

Well, for now, we can recommend limiting the use of such oil in your diet.