Inna Foundation

Seaweed kills cancer cells

Desire to live - Seaweed kills cancer cells | Inna Foundation

The most terrible and very dangerous disease for humanity – cancer – continues its deadly tread on the planet. More than 10 million people die from different types of cancer in the world every year! Tens of millions more people on the planet undergo severe painful procedures during the treatment of such a disease. According to experts, the number of new cases of cancer will increase. This means that the number of deaths from cancer will grow steadily. This is the truth!

However, it is obvious that humanity would have died out from cancer long ago if nature had not created a unique function of the body’s defense – apoptosis. Apoptosis is the body’s genetically programmed ability to remove cells. One of the main functions of apoptosis is the destruction of damaged, mutating cells. If apoptosis works, tumor cells are destroyed in a timely manner. But, if the protection system fails …

Of course, a healthy diet is an important element in supporting the body’s defenses. However, in the pursuit of super profits, many food companies are replacing essential ingredients with cheaper, more harmful counterparts. And the methods of preparing such food leave much to be desired. No wonder the world has such a concept as “junk food” – unhealthy food! Experts have long ranked such food among the main factors causing cancer.

However, there is no need to despair! Staff of the Inna Foundation constantly monitor the Internet space in order to study new discoveries that contribute to the prevention and treatment of cancer.

The Pacific Medical Journal has published the results of research by a group of scientists who studied the beneficial properties of seaweed! We can buy such a product in almost any grocery store without any problems. But the value of seaweed is very high!

As you know, seaweed (or kelp) belongs to the genus of algae from the class of brown algae. The plant is rich in many useful substances and minerals – potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine, manganese. And this is not a complete list of useful substances contained in kelp. And all of them are very necessary for the human body for health. But what’s important, seaweed is rich in fucoidans. And it is they who actively resist the development of cancerous tumors. In addition, these compounds are generally immune stimulants.

Fucoidan is a sulfated heteropolysaccharide. Scientists have studied the antitumor effect of fucoidans from 9 species of brown algae on a soft agar model (plant matter, ed.). It was found that fucoidan from Laminaria cichorioides and Laminaria japonica inhibits (suppresses, auth) the growth of colonies of intestinal cancer cells, that is, showed the most pronounced antitumor effect. Scientists believe that the biological activity of fucoidans is primarily due to the degree of sulfation and the presence of fragments of a certain structure. Probably, the antitumor activity of fucoidans depends on the structure of the main chain of the molecule.

The obtained research results demonstrate that the use of fucoidans from brown algae may be promising for the prevention and treatment of cancer. After all, as scientists now know, fucoidans well activate the function of apoptosis.
Thus, we can safely say – the more often we eat seaweed, the more we protect ourselves from cancer! Simple – but very reliable!