Inna Foundation

Hot shower reveals blood cancer

Desire to live - Hot shower reveals blood cancer | Inna Foundation

The Inna Charitable Foundation, in its numerous articles posted on the organization’s website, urges its readers to be careful! Oncological diseases have their signs even from the first stage of the development of the disease. Timely detected disease is much easier to treat and has a good prognosis for the patient.

One little-known sign of blood cancer is reported by the specialized portal Bottomlineinc.

Eugene Ahn, MD, hematologist-oncologist at the Cancer Treatment Center of America (CTCA) and medical director of clinical research for integrative oncology at the Midwest Regional Medical Center (Illinois, USA), warns that early-stage symptoms of blood cancer masquerade as other diseases. A person may feel a slight malaise, general weakness in the body and get tired quickly. However, there is one symptom that can be called a signal for a more thorough examination of the body. It’s about itching after a hot shower.

Such itching can be a sign of a dangerous disease – polycythemia vera (PV). It is a neoplastic disease of the blood, which belongs to the group of chronic myeloproliferative diseases. As a result of the disease, a breakdown occurs in the bone marrow in a person, which produces peripheral blood cells. In the early stages of this type of blood cancer, mast cells (known as mastocytes or labrocytes) containing basophilic granules with histamine in their cytoplasm (which cause allergies) become hypersensitive and lead to an allergic skin reaction to hot water.

In the early stages of blood cancer, cells containing histamine (a mediator of allergic reactions) become hypersensitive. They make the skin react to hot water,” the specialist notes.

Therefore, if you regularly notice severe itching after a hot shower or bath, you need to see a doctor and do a complete blood count. If the level of erythrocytes after the analysis is increased, it is necessary to undergo an in-depth examination and take into account the recommendations of specialists.